Tannin Spot Spray for wood

Tannin Spot Spray effectively neutralizes black spots on wood floors caused by an acid/water reaction of the tannins in oak.
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SFr. 23.40 SFr. 29.93


Tannin Spot Neutralizer for dark spots on wood floors

Tannin Spot Spray effectively neutralizes black spots on wood floors caused by an acid/water reaction of the tannins in oak. These spots often appear on the wood where metal table legs/feet, metal flowerpots, and other water-metal combinations touch the floor.
Tannin Spot Spray is sprayed undiluted directly onto the stained area and allowed to sit for 30-60 minutes so that the chemicals can penetrate into the wood and neutralize the stain. Afterwards, the spot should be cleaned with a wet cloth and then buffed dry. If the stain does not come out completely after the first treatment, the process may be repeated. After you're done, the spot will need to be re-oiled using the appropriate Maintenance Oil

For especially tough stains like dried red wine, grease, coffee, tea, etc., please use Woca spot remover.

Additional materials needed:
Maintenance Oil for re-oiling the spot after stain treatment