This combo set includes all of the cleaning and maintenance products that you'll need for the medium to long-term upkeep of your oxidative oiled wood floor, as well as for the repair of partial scratches, etc.

WOCA Set White
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WOCA Set Natural
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This combo set includes all the cleaning and care products you'll need for the medium to long-term upkeep of your oxidative oiled wood floor, and for the repair of partial scratches, etc.:
  • 5 Liters Natural Soap (for monthly cleaning and maintenance)
  • 1 Liter Oil Refresher (oil care product for wood floors)
  • 1 Liter Wood Cleaner (basic intensive cleaner for wood floors)
  • 1 Liter Maintenance Oil (for re-oiling at home)
  • 2 sponges (for removing stains and re-oiling certain spots)
  • 1 polishing cloth (for polishing the finish)
  • 1 Care Guide
The "WOCA Set" costs CHF 159.00 + VAT

Natural Soap is used to clean and revitalize your wood floors at regular intervals. Instead of Natural Soap, Oil Refresher should be used every 4th-6th time, since its oil components have a replenishing effect. When you're ready to re-oil your floor, first clean it with Wood Cleaner and then oil it with Maintenance Oil. This process is used particularly for the repair of minor scratches or for follow-up treatment of matte, dry spots. In this case, use the sponges for cleaning and to apply the oil. Use the polishing cloth to polish the oiled spot dry.

You will find detailed step-by-step instructions in the included care guide.